Each and every new journey brings with itself new hurdles and challenges and along with that we also catch hold of few people who help us through the journey making it worthwhile. I too have such people in my life who help me, solve my doubts, give me courage and motivate me to reach my aim. These are my friends.
When i entered IBS, i was cautious and had all sorts of ideas about people around. But never once thought to find such a wacky group where anything and everything is possible. When we all come together we have time of our lives. From sitting in the canteen (all day long cos of tushki to help him bird watch :) .. i guess i might be killed for this) to loitering around in the college to going to dhabha or for late night walks (that would be me pestering everyone), we have done everything. I still remember the fights we have had over Delhi - Mumbai (though i still agree Delhi is the best :P ), heated discussions over politics and endless talks about movies (Yeah we all are big time movie buffs ... ). Oh!! how can i forget our outings and trips which would be planned for days and then postponed due to assignments and submissions which are part and parcel of life at B-school. With lips drooping and face sulking some would go to Ramulu for pepping up and others like me would go to Osman Sagar lake ( can you imagine i have been there 5 times, i think no one in the college would have been such a frequent visitor) .
Many ask me what is it that you will remember the most from these past two years. For me it is not one moment which i can say is special but each and every moment spent with my friends is memorable to me. Be it trip to Srisailam, Vizag or even Ramoji film city ( which was by far the most embarrassing one for me n now dont ask me why :( .. ) , each carry a special memory. Even the auto rides where we all use to sing at top of our voices thinking that we are descendants of Tansen is unforgettable. The way we use to take the case of our teachers (remember the 1st sem guys ;) .. gosh how can we even forget), the times we supposedly went to library for studies but ended up sleeping and snoring on the the sofa (hehe) and yeah the birthdays - full of dirt, left over food, kicks and boxes and hardly any cakes ; all are memories worth a lifetime.
In IBS i have not found friends but a small and close knit family where everyone loves each other and at the same time fight with each other. Even though all are strange people with weird habits, they are dear to me.Since, the session is coming to the end, i find it difficult to bid goodbye. So, here's a small poem which captures my feelings and says it all
As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.
These become special friends
Whose bond we can't explain;
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.
Their love contains no boundaries.
So, even we are apart.
Their presence enhances us
With a warmth felt in the heart.
This love becomes a passageway,
When even the miles disappear.
And so, these friends, God sends our way,
Remain forever near.