Most of us look at the barren land at our end but fail to see green patches of happiness and prosperity which life has bestowed upon us. In the daily hectic routine the problems are always highlighted by us but the small things which should be celebrated are largely ignored and forgotten. Life's not a marathon where we have to run fast so that we can reach the end sooner. Instead its a roller coaster ride where every twist and turn should be cherished and enjoyed. The turns which we have left behind are thing of the past and should not be dwelled upon because they cause nothing but pain and the ones coming ahead should be met with zeal and enthusiasm.
We should enjoy the little drops of joy be it a drive on a windy night or a walk in the park or an outing with friends or family or simply being at home with people whom we love. As they say we live only once so live life to the fullest focusing on not what makes others happy, but what makes us happy. Moreover we should stick to the decisions we make and not get deterred no matter what happens and the instincts or the gut feel should never be ignored. Thus, Grass is not only green on the other side but this side as well.